Weekly Trend Watch With Sergio Finetto: UNITED COLORS

Weekly Trend Watch With Sergio Finetto


In rhythm of the samba drums and carnival, Brazil is the place to be during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The party will go on for the next 3 weeks with the best soccer players in the planet. I love to watch the parade of teams with colorful flags and uniforms displaying with such pride to represent their country, and ultimately take the World Cup. Most above all, I embrace what sport brings to the world. People forget their differences, and join together in celebration for the passion of the sport.

So, even if you didn’t make it to Brazil this time, there is no reason why you shouldn’t join the party. Grab your teams’ jersey and flag, select some colorful furniture that matches your favorite team colors, and all together let’s shout in one voice: GOOOALLLLLL!!!!

_Sergios Trend-JUNE-WorldCup2